Direct input to a script from a file

Hi all,

I have a script which checks on my jobs that run on some cluster.
The script, "", takes as an input the job-id for the job to checked. Sometimes I have 100s of jobs and I want to check them. I could put these job-ids into a file, each id in its own line.
The script would ask me few questions (with a yes or no answers) to see if I want to do some other checks for each job-id.

I want to know how may I direct my job-ids from this file into the script one job-id at a time.

Thanks in advance,


say job_id_file has all job_ids

while read job_id
      echo "current job id $job_id"
done < job_id_file

We don't have k-shell on our machines :frowning:
Also, what do you mean <DO YOUR STUFF> do you mean ./
I could not find in your script.
