diffrence between method call and function call in perl

I have a problem with package and name space.

require "/Mehran/DSGateEngineLib/general.pl";
use strict;
sub System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Intrusion_Prevention
 my %idpstatus;
        my @result;
        #print $idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'};
        if( $idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'} )
                $result[0] = 'on';
                if( $idpstatus{'POLICY'} eq "default" )
                        $result[1] = "Default";
                  }elsif ($idpstatus{'POLICY'} eq "alert")
                  { $result[1] = "Alert"; }
                  else { $result[1] = "Action"; }
        }elsif ($idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'} eq 'off')
          $result[0] = 'off';

                print $result[0]

This is my script that work properly, but when I pack this function to other namespace and used it to another namespace an error arise. this error: used of intialized value $result[0] . Note that file have been opened and haven't any error.
below is my master file that on interpreting got me error. Code from aspect of spell and common concepts are true but I think there are an exclusive concept on package and namespace's method call that I don't know it. REALLY IT IS IMPORTANT. HELP ME Experts plz.
Thanks in advance.

package DSGateEngineLib::System;

require "DSGateEngineLib/general.pl";
#use strict;
sub new #Constructor
    my ($class) = @_;
    my $self = {    };
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

sub Do_Action
    my ($self, @arg) = @_;
    #print $arg[0];
    #case "Object_Address_ListAll"
    if ($_ eq "System_Status_Main_Resource_Usage_CPU")
        #print $arg[0];
        my @result =  &System_Status_Main_Resource_Usage_CPU();
        return \@result;
    elsif($_ eq "System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Firewall")
        my @result = &System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Firewall();
        return \@result;
    }elsif($_ eq "System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Intrusion_Prevention")
        my @result = &System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Intrusion_Prevention();
        return \@result;


#System -> Status -> Main -> Service Status
sub System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Firewall
    my $hash;
    my $line = `sed -n "/^firewall=/p" /var/dsg/license`;
    my $stat = index $line,'on';
    if ($stat>=0) 
        return 'on';
    }elsif($stat<= -1) 
        return 'off';

sub System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Intrusion_Prevention
 #my %idpstatus;
    my @result;
    #print $idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'};
    if( $idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'} )
        $result[0] = 'on';
        if( $idpstatus{'POLICY'} eq "default" ) 
            $result[1] = "Default"; 
          }elsif ($idpstatus{'POLICY'} eq "alert") 
          { $result[1] = "Alert"; } 
          else { $result[1] = "Action"; }
    }elsif ($idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'} eq 'off') 
      $result[0] = 'off';
print $result[0];

sub System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Web_Filter

sub System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Anti_Virus

sub System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Anti_Spam

sub System_Status_Main_Service_Status_IMnP2P

sub System_Status_Main_Service_Status_VPN

#System -> Status -> Main -> Resource Usage
sub System_Status_Main_Resource_Usage_CPU
    my @cpu = `ps aux`;
    chomp @cpu;
    my @cpuusage;
    my $flag;
    $flag = 0;chomp @cpu;
    my @partss = split('\n', $cpu[0]);
    foreach my $l (@partss)
         if ($flag == 0)
        my @parts = split(' ', $l);
        $cpuusage[0] += $parts[2];
  return $cpuusage[0];

sub System_Status_Main_Resource_Usage_Memory

  my @echom = `/usr/bin/free -ot |grep Mem`;
  my $mperc;
  foreach my $mline (@echom) 
    my ($mdev, $mtotal, $mused, $mfree, $mshared, $mbuffers, $mcached) = split(/\s+/, $mline);
    my $memuse = $mfree + $mbuffers + $mcached;
    $mperc = int((($memuse/$mtotal)*100));
    $mperc = 100 - $mperc;
  return $mperc;

sub System_Status_Main_Resource_Usage_Data_Disk
  my @hdddata = `df -hT | grep \"\/$\"`;
  chomp @hdddata;
  my @parts = split(' ', $hdddata[0]);
  my $HddData = $parts[5];
  return $HddData;

sub System_Status_Main_Resource_Usage_Log_Disk
  my @hddlog = `df -hT | grep \"\/var\/log$\"`;
  chomp @hddlog;
  my @parts = split(' ', $hddlog[0]);
  my $HddLog = $parts[5];
  return $HddLog;

#System -> Status -> Main -> System Information
sub System_Status_Main_System_Information_Serial_Number
sub System_Status_Main_System_Information_Model
sub System_Status_Main_System_Information_Firmware_Version
sub System_Status_Main_System_Information_System_Time
sub System_Status_Main_System_Information_Uptime
sub System_Status_Main_System_Information_Last_DSGate_Update
sub System_Status_Main_System_Information_Last_IDP_Update
sub System_Status_Main_System_Information_Last_AntiVirus_Update

#System -> Status -> Main -> Network Information
sub System_Status_Main_Network_Information_Port_status # Note that, this method would have loop for supporting all ports 
sub System_Status_Main_Network_Information_Packet_Statistic_All
sub System_Status_Main_Network_Information_Packet_Statistic_TCP
sub System_Status_Main_Network_Information_Packet_Statistic_ICMP
sub System_Status_Main_Network_Information_Packet_Statistic_HTTP
sub System_Status_Main_Network_Information_Packet_Statistic_UDP

#System -> Status -> Main -> Traffic Graph
sub System_Status_Main_Traffic_Graph_Ports # Note that, this method would have loop for supporting all ports

#System -> Status -> Main -> Last Signatures Updates
sub System_Status_Main_Last_Signatures_Update

#System -> Status -> Main -> Alert Message
sub System_Status_Main_Alert_Messages

#System -> Status -> Monitor
sub System_Status_Monitor_System_Resources

#System -> Status -> Monitor -> System Resources
sub System_Status_Monitor_System_Resources_Traffic_On_Ports

sub System_Status_Monitor_System_Resources_Memory_Usage_Over_Last_Hour

sub System_Status_Monitor_System_Resources_CPU_Load_Over_The_Last_Hour

#System -> Status -> Sessions
sub System_Status_Session_Conntrack_Viewer
sub System_Status_Session_Active_Connections
 #Total: 1    connections    TCP: 1    UDP: 0    ICMP: 0
sub System_Status_Session_Connections_ListAll
 #There are fields Proto-SRCIP-SRCPort-SRCPackets-SRCbytes-State-DSTIP-DSTPort-DSTPackets-DSTbytes

#System -> Admin -> Users
sub System_Admin_Current_Users_Lists
sub System_Admin_Current_Users_Edit
sub System_Admin_Current_Users_Delete

sub System_Admin_AddNew_User
#System -> Admin -> Permissions

sub System_Admin_Permissions_List_Of_Users_and_Permissions
sub System_Admin_Permissions_Edit_Permissions
sub System_Admin_Permissions_Delete
#System -> Config -> Time
sub System_Config_Time_Apply
    #Some of inputed variable
    #(Time Zone, Time and Date, Network Time Retrieval, Network Time Servers)
sub System_Config_Time_Get
    #Some of inputed variable
    #(Time Zone, Time and Date, Network Time Retrieval, Network Time Servers)

#System -> Config -> Admin
sub System_Config_Admin_Authenticate_Time_Out_Set

sub System_Config_Admin_Authenticate_Time_Out_Get


#System -> Config -> ISPUtil GUI
sub System_Config_ISPUtil_Interface_Check_Status

sub System_Config_ISPUtil_Connector_Apply
sub System_Config_ISPUtil_Connector_Get

sub System_Config_ISPUtil_Parameters_List_Apply
sub System_Config_ISPUtil_Parameters_List_Get
#System -> Config -> SNMP
sub System_Config_SNMP_Status_Apply
sub System_Config_SNMP_Status_Get
#System -> Maintenance -> Backup
sub System_Maintenace_Make_Backup

sub System_Maintenace_Restore_Backup

#System -> Maintenace -> Update
sub System_Maintenace_AutoUpdate_Settings
sub System_Maintenace_ManualUpdate_Settings
sub System_Maintenace_ManualUpdate_Install
#System -> Maintenace -> Update
sub System_Maintenace_License_CurrentLicense

#System -> Maintenace -> Tools
sub System_Maintenace_Tools_Ping_Traceroute_Whois
sub System_Maintenace_Tools_SystemOperation_Default_Factory
sub System_Maintenace_Tools_SystemOperation_Reboot_Shutdown
#System -> Notifications -> Setting
sub System_Notifications_Setting_List_All
sub System_Notifications_Setting_Groups_AddNew
sub System_Notifications_Setting_Edit
sub System_Notifications_Setting_Delete

#System -> Notifications -> Alerts
sub System_Notifications_Alerts_List_All
sub System_Notifications_Alerts_Groups_AddNew
sub System_Notifications_Alerts_Edit
sub System_Notifications_Alerts_Delete
#System -> User -> Radius
sub System_User_Current_Radius_Server_AddNew
sub System_User_Current_Radius_Server_Get

#System -> User -> Ldap

sub System_User_Current_Ldap_Server_AddNew
sub System_User_Current_Ldap_Server_Get

#&System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Intrusion_Prevention();For debuging reasons

Just guessing....

After cleaning up this sloppy code to make it readable you can see that $result[0] has the chance of never being defined:

rrequire "/Mehran/DSGateEngineLib/general.pl";
use strict;
sub System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Intrusion_Prevention {
   my %idpstatus;
   my @result;
   #print $idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'};
   if( $idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'} ){
      $result[0] = 'on';
      if( $idpstatus{'POLICY'} eq "default" ){
         $result[1] = "Default";
      elsif ($idpstatus{'POLICY'} eq "alert"){
         $result[1] = "Alert";
      else {
         $result[1] = "Action";
   elsif ($idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'} eq 'off'){
      $result[0] = 'off';
   print $result[0]

You should add a fall-through condition to the end of the if/elsif block to make sure $result[0] will always be defined:

require "/Mehran/DSGateEngineLib/general.pl";
use strict;
sub System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Intrusion_Prevention {
   my %idpstatus;
   my @result;
   #print $idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'};
   if( $idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'} ){
      $result[0] = 'on';
      if( $idpstatus{'POLICY'} eq "default" ){
         $result[1] = "Default";
      elsif ($idpstatus{'POLICY'} eq "alert"){
         $result[1] = "Alert";
      else {
         $result[1] = "Action";
   elsif ($idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'} eq 'off'){
      $result[0] = 'off';
   else { #<-- fall-through condition 
      $result[0] = 'unknown status';
   print $result[0]

Its worth nothing that the below elsif condition will never be evaluated:

   elsif ($idpstatus{'ENABLE_IPS'} eq 'off'){
      $result[0] = 'off';

I leave it up to you to figure out why that is.

Kevin thanks.
it's sloppy code due to it is under constructor.:smiley:
but my problem isn't fall through condition. I have two code. the first code work properly. my problem is method call. Mr kevin, when I call the first code, it works good due to I call that function at the end of same name space (file)."&System_Status_Main_Service_Status_Intrusion_Prevention();".

but when I call it from an other perl file (name space ) which System.pm used on it, an error occured. sake is strange!:eek::frowning: .
Error is use of uninitialized idpstatus{"ENABLE_IPS"}.

You should at least test the code with the fall-through condition added and see if that gets the script to run without reporting the warning (its not an error) about the unintialized variable. If it does not get rid of the warning you will know my suggestion is wrong, but if it does then your assumption of what is causing the warning could be wrong. And please note, it is a warning, not an error. Sometimes variables do have the chance of being uniitialized, which is why a default or fall-through condition is almost always a good idea.

Also, writing neat and readable code during constructions is very important, that is no excuse for writing sloppy code. Slopy code always makes tracking down bugs much harder than it should be. Its very good though that you are using "strict" and I assume "warnings".