differentiating two sets for filenames????

set 1


I have two sets with filenames in above format.
need to o/p full filenames from the first set which are not present in second set.

Please note that filenames are considered similar only if they match till @@ symbol. Then only they should be considered similar.

Please guide me in this.

awk -F@ '{ if (FNR==NR) { a[$1]=0; next } if ($1 in a) { a[$1]=1 } } END { for ( i in a ) { if (a[i]==0) { print i } } }' first_file second_file


here are the input files


i have created cmp.awk as follows

#! /usr/bin/nawk -f


awk -F@ '{ if (FNR==NR) { a[$1]=0; next } if ($1 in a) { a[$1]=1 } } END { for ( i in a ) { if (a
[i]==0) { print i } } }' first_file second_file

running like this

./cmp.awk sett1 sett2

but getting following error

/usr/bin/nawk: syntax error at source line 5
context is
awk >>> -F@ <<<
/usr/bin/nawk: bailing out at source line 5

remove the first line which contains "#! /usr/bin/nawk -f"

after removing the line, following errors are coming

/home/odyssey/f091018>./cmp.awk sett2 sett1
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: illegal statement near line 1
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1

what i pasted was a oneliner.
If you need this to keep in a file, do it as follows.


awk -F@ '{ if (FNR==NR) { a[$1]=0; next } if ($1 in a) { a[$1]=1 } } END { for ( i in a ) { if (a
[i]==0) { print i } } }' $first_file $second_file

look at the '$' symbol

Again Errors

./cmp.awk sett2 sett1
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: illegal statement near line 1
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1

I am using BASH . is it because of that???? please check and let me know.

am also using bash and it is working fine for me.

pls check whether awk line is broken

Its strange
all awk line is single. even then following error

/home/odyssey/f091018>./cmp.awk sett2 sett1
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: illegal statement near line 1
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1

are you using any line like #!/bin/bash or something.
don't know why not working for me?????

Using following line in start
#! /usr/bin/nawk -f

awk -F@ '{ if (FNR==NR) { a[$1]=0; next } if ($1 in a) { a[$1]=1 } } END { for ( i in a ) { if (a
[i]==0) { print i } } }' $first_file $second_file

Errors are

/home/odyssey/f091018>./cmp.awk sett2 sett1
/usr/bin/nawk: syntax error at source line 5
context is
awk >>> -F@ <<<
/usr/bin/nawk: bailing out at source line 5

first line is not required.

Don't have any clue. Someone else has to bump.

Can you please paste your awk script and sett1 and sett2 contents???
Also the way you are using ????







awk -F@ '{ if (FNR==NR) { a[$1]=0; next } if ($1 in a) { a[$1]=1 } } END { for ( i in a ) { if (a [i]==0) { print i } } }' $first_file $second_file

./cmp.awk sett2 sett1



Strange !!!!
everything same. whats the error with me ???
In other awk scripts i had used #! /usr/bin/nawk -f and they are working fine. whats the problem with this script????
please help???