diff part of file

Hello experts,
I have 2 files
lalalala good file

lblblblb good file

these two files are the same in my test case, how can I start compare after certain number of characters? or is there a better way to do this?

Thank you

Are the files all in one line?

You ask about comparing files after a certain number of characters, so are you looking to ignore a fixed number characters on each line for each file?

If those are the 'true' files, then a solution could be proposed.
However, if there is more to the samples, it would be helpful to see.

The files contain more than 1 line, a more likely example would be:

lalalala good file
lalblala good file
lalalalb good file
lalalbla good file

lblblblb good file
lblblclb good file
lblclblb good file
lclblblb good file

#file1 and file2 are the same

so I want to start compare after say 8 characters on every line in the two files.

I created two sample files (note I purposefully made a difference in the 2nd file calling something bad instead of good - to see some output from a diff command)

> cat tfile1
lalalala good file
lalblala good file
lalalalb good file
lalalbla good file
> cat tfile2
lblblblb good file
lblblclb good file
lblclblb good file
lclblblb bad file

then, using the following script:

> cat cfile
#! /bin/bash


cat tfile1 | cut -c10- >$f1out
cat tfile2 | cut -c10- >$f2out

diff $f1out $f2out

results in:

> cfile
< good file
> bad file

Sorry, can't express enough of my thanks~~~~~~
I was stuck on it for so long.

one interesting thing is using "cat tfile1 | cut -c10- >$f1out "
tfile1 and f1out must be different.
is there any way to replace the same file?
what about "sed"?