dialog menu script. please HELP


i want to create a useradd dialog menu.
i cannot make a single menu with 4 box inputs ( user, pass, fullname, shell ) because the dialog utility is either limited or either i know to less about using the dialog utility.
from what i see it only allows me to post these 4 boxes one by one, i mean first i input the user, i hit enter, a new dialog box apears for password, again i hit enter for fullname, etc.

can't i just use dialog to build more boxes in a single menu interface ? like anaconda does on redhat for example.


cmon, nobody?

Pls don't bump-up posts - it's against the Rules

Most probably you don't need it anymore but maybe it will help to other guys. Here is a sample how it can be done :

/usr/bin/dialog --title "Mixed Form" --backtitle "Mixed Form" --insecure \
                --mixedform "This is simple mixedform :" 15 50 0 \
                "User name       : " 1 1 "user" 1 20 20 0 0 \
                "Password        :"      2 1    "pass1"  2 20  20 0 1 \
                "Retype Password :"      3 1    "pass2"  3 20  20 0 1 2> /tmp/file 

P.S. Be careful option --mixedform is only available in latest dialog command.