
Ain't it possible to force dhcpd to NOT send any DHCP Offers on a specific interface?

I dont want dhcpd to answer on eth0 but do answer on eth1.

best regards /Esaia

I'm not sure if this applies for all *nux based O/S's.

But I just setup DHCP on a RedHat 7.3 box for my net connection (Cable over shared network).

When I configure my DHCP client (To connect to the net) I've made it so I bring the interface up everytime I load incase I don't want it up and running (This is a temp solution until I get a server running).

When I start DHCP after installing and configuring DHCP I'll run '/sbin/dhclient eth0' eth0 is the port I want it to configure with the DHCP server to. If I type eth1 then it would configure on that network interface port.

As I said I'm new to this DHCP stuff (Not to hard though)but that's how I would setup for a different port.

My issue was that I did not want my eth0 (INET) to reply to hosts on my ISPs network, but I constructed a simulation inside my LAN and figured out that if I dont make any range options or so then DHCPD will tell the host that there are no more leases, then I figure the host will take another ACK from another DHCP.

Read some logs and saw that there had not been any leases to eth0...

Best regards Esaia