DHCP Internet probleams

I have earthlink DSL and my SPARC 5 system is connected through a cable to my wireless netgear router. I dont have an account name, i dont have a domain name, I get my IP adress dynamically from my ISP, and I dont have a DNS Name but i do have 2 DNS IP adresses.

Can someone plz help me set up my internet?

Im using Solaris 8

see if this helps you too ...

That didnt work, What should i put in as my Domain name?

earthlink.net ...

... thing is though ... some isps do register mac addresses so that might stop your box from fully getting into the net ...

btw, what exactly did not work? did you follow all the steps or did you skip some?

i followed all steps, when i enter everything (before it asks for DNS) it says

An error occurred while trying to set the IP address on the network interface.

> Press F2 to dismiss this message.

that ip might be in use already ... pick another ip address ...

ive tried many and did work once but when i got into solaris i still couldnt get on the internet.:frowning:

I tried changing the host name and the IP but still no luck

if your router is using dhcp --- get an ip address that is outside of the dhcp range ...

I dont know if this helps but when I boot up it says :

ifconfig: plumb: le0: Bad file number
moving addresses from failed IPv4 interfaces: le0 (couldn't move, no alternative interface).

Any thoughts on how I would know which IP to use?

YESSSSS, Ok I got past that step now when I enter all my DNS stuff at the end it comes up that:

-Name Service Error----------------------------------

Unable to find an address entry for SUN with the specified DNS configuration.

Enter new name service information?


P.S I set the name "SUN" as my host name

say "no" and continue on ... after the box gets "named and IP'd" --- login and manually edit the appropriate files and you should be good to go ...

Do u know how I would do that? :smiley:

I get the box and all but which files should I change. And how should I change them?