Determine the ethernet (NIC) card speed.


Does anyone know how can I determine the maximum capable speed on a network interface card for different OS like HP, Sun, AIX and Linux.
I am aware of the tool "ethtool" which can be used for Linux. Are there any handly commands or /proc files where I can get this info depending on the OS. Thanks

On Solaris 10 you can use dladm show-dev , which will show for all the NICs if they are up, their speed and duplex. On Solaris 9 and older, you have to use ndd. For example: ndd -get /dev/nge0 link_speed

The only way I know is to look up the manufacturer's specification for the hardware and compare with the specification for the drivers supplied with the Operating System.
Using manufacture-specific unix commands you can find out the current configuration (if there is one) of each Ethernet card but not the full capabilities.


ethtool eth0


entstat -d ent0