detecting login or logout

what function would tell me that a user has logged in or out?

i already know from my script the users name
i already know in real time there was an event

how an I tell if that event was a login or logout? Any ideas?

# i did try comparing the file sizes for change but various users may log in or out on a poll

# i did try to use 'comm -3 fileX' which outputs to the screen in different columns for login or logout but awk threw them both in column 1


You could do a 'last <username>' to see the times they've logged in & out.
Do your users home directories contain a '.profile' file?
This file can be used to run scripts at login & logout on a per user basis, so you could create a script to dump information to a text file each time they login and then logout & also dump any commands that they run on your system.

I have also seen a script that will run until a certain user logs out, this can notify you by mail, wall etc.

mmm I'm not allowed to do that, can't touch anyone's files. I am monitoring movement and who is coming and going on a regular poll but detecting ins and outs is a bit prickly.

I've looked at the w, finger and who as well.

The timestamp seems the best option at this point, but I'll keep looking for now... thanks.

i suppose if someone disappears off the who list then they've logged out and if they appear they've logged in - in the simplest scenario.

implementing that may take a bit of thought (I'm a noob)

If you run the last command it will show all users comings and goings for the past month I think.

[root@gentest ~]#last
super     pts/4     Mon Aug 28 01:05   still logged in   
super    pts/4     Sun Aug 27 11:26 - 01:05  (13:38)    
super   pts/4     Sun Aug 27 01:36 - 11:26  (09:49)    
super   pts/4     Sat Aug 26 11:37 - 23:53  (12:15)    
super   pts/4    Sat Aug 26 01:23 - 11:37  (10:13)    
user2   pts/5     Fri Aug 25 20:58 - 20:59  (00:00)    
super     pts/4   Fri Aug 25 16:39 - 01:23  (08:44)    
user2   pts/4   Fri Aug 25 16:00 - 16:39  (00:38)    
user2   pts/4  Thu Aug 24 22:55 - 22:56  (00:00)    
user2   pts/5   Wed Aug 23 21:42 - 22:48  (01:06)    
user2   pts/4   Wed Aug 23 21:15 - 22:48  (01:33)    
user1  pts/2                         Tue Aug 22 12:52   still logged in   
user1  pts/1                         Mon Aug 21 22:43   still logged in   

yeh I looked at last too but it was hard to tell how many records to poll

last -n 20

I'm already grabbing the users off who so I guess if I could get a minutes seconds timestamp from there then it wouldn't affect my script until i call it off the file when i need it...

it seems the most logical.

i was just hoping there was a magic function which would tell me what they were doing lol... thanks again.

ps looks interesting too

If you want to see what users are doing in real-time
ps -ef | grep user
That has timestamp etc.
If your users are disconnecting with 'exit' or 'logout' you should see this also

ah you champion... thanks :slight_smile: