Deny root rlogin


I have to forbid root-logins on all my servers, expect from two machines, these 2 machines login with root without a password

it was quite easy with ssh, but I have a problem regarding rsh/rlogin, an there
are a lot of rsh jobs, so it would take a lot of time to change all this scripts to ssh

it sould work like the sshd_config entry: "PermitRootLogin without-password" just for rsh

telnet is deactivated

I cannot install an ip-wrapper (well I can but I shouldn't :)) , so I have to realise this just with base AIX tools, I searched for a day, but couldn't find a solution for my problem

I hope you guys can help

(AIX5.3 ML 03 and AIX5.3 TL 05 fp4)

thanks in advance


I guess you only want to deactivate remote login for root.

chuser rlogin=false root

should do the job or use
smitty=>Security & Users=>Login Controls=> Change / Show Login Attributes for a User=> User NAME=root =>User can LOGIN REMOTELY(rsh,tn,rlogin)?=false

thanks for the reply, but two machines still have to root login without password on all other machines, your solution would forbid every remote root login at all

Possible workaround ? :
As root, edit /etc/inetd.conf ; Comment out the line 'login ... rlogin'
Run 'inetimp' ; Run 'refresh -s inetd'
Hope this helps.

hi sysgate

thats almost what I wanted, I'll keep that in mind if I cannot find another solution


the problem is, that every rlogin is forbidden this way, but other users should be able to rlogin

I would loose remote control over the machine if sshd hangs, not a big problem for hmc systems, but bad for standalone systems