Deminuer in Korn Shell??? Well.....

I know this is an Off Topic forum, but this didn't seem quite On topic so I put it here.....

You probably all remember some "joker" we had on the boards a few months back asking for Minesweeper or some other game written in the Korn shell.

Well, I was bored tonight so I decided to implement hangman in bash, complete with graphics , albeit very crudely drawn in ASCII......

If any of you want it, download the tarball .
Bear in mind that you'll need bash, and an "echo" command that allows for the -n and -e options. If you want to add more words to the database, just edit word_list and append them to the bottom of the list (don't have ANY blank lines though).

I knew it was possible to write a fairly decent shell game, and here it is. I'll get round to hosting it "properly" on my site at some point.

Cheers all