Dell R740 Solaris 11.4 fwupdate ERROR Unsupported Platform

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen!
I am trying to update the Firmware on a Bunch of Oracle 6.4 TB NVMe Flash Modules (PCI). They are currently on QDV1RD03 and i would like to get them to QDV1CP06.
In order to upgrade those cards i installed Solaris 11 on the R740, which btw is listed as Solaris 11 certified.
Thats fine, solaris 11 is running, BUT: Whenever i try to run a command from the hardware management pack (which is included in Solaris 11.4), like fwupdate or nvmeadm for example, i get an error stating: "ERROR: Unsupported Platform" without further ado.
I tried updating all packets, but that didnt change the situation.
Any input on how to further analyze the situation, for example: why i am getting that Plattform error would be great.
Also, if you are aware of a different way to upgrade the firmware on those cards: please let me know.
The original intel product is: DC P4608 6.4TB NVMe, but mine are Oracle OEM.
Kind regards

You might be out of luck in trying to update these cards on Dell R series.

Does the R740 have a PERC?

I've come across such issues before.

I would try on a different X86/X64 system.

It probably isn't a Dell/Solaris problem but more of a Dell/Intel problem.

Hi there!
I tried three systems i had available for testing: all of them came back with the same Error.
I also tried it without the cards present in the system: same error.
So i think its about my systems. they are all intel based.

No, it's about the cards being Oracle OEM and you are using the wrong flash tool and/or trying to flash the wrong firmware update. Although Intel manufactured, you need to find the Oracle flash tool as a minimum.

This Intel flash tool says it's O/S independent. Which flash tool are you using?

As I say, Oracle may have features that stop the standard Intel tool from working and Oracle may well have their own tool and firmware versions.

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