Deleting specific lines in a file


I have a file filled with dates, such as:

04-08-2011 message
04-08-2011 message
03-08-2011 message
01-08-2011 message
31-07-2011 message
24-07-2011 message
15-07-2011 message
13-12-2008 message
26-11-2007 message

And I want to delete those lines whose date is older than 10 days.

Someway like "find ... -mtime +10 rm{}..." but relating to the lines in a file...

Ah, it should be under "AIX"

Thank you

perl '-MPOSIX qw(strftime)' -nle'BEGIN {
  $dt = strftime "%Y%m%d", localtime time - 86400 * shift;
 (join "", (split /[\s-]+/)[2,1,0]) >= $dt and print   
  ' 10 infile

The above command will print the remaining lines on the standard output.
If you want to modify your existing file:

perl -i.bck '-MPOSIX qw(strftime)' -nle'BEGIN {
  $dt = strftime "%Y%m%d", localtime time - 86400 * shift;
 (join "", (split /[\s-]+/)[2,1,0]) >= $dt and print   
  ' 10 infile  


But it does not remove the lines, it just print them.
Is it possible to do it in ksh?

Thank you

I've updated my previous post.


thank you. I would like to have in ksh but it's a good workaround for the moment in perl.

You could do it in pure Korn Shell easily if you have a recent version of ksh93 that support the following syntax:

ksh-JM 93u 2011-02-08$ print -f  '%(%Y%m%d)T\n' '10 days ago'

Alternatively you could use the datecalc script by Perderabo.