deleting only directory not files

Hi Guys,

I want to know wheather it is possible to delete directory not files,


In one directory there are 10 dirs and 100 files but my req is to delete only dirs not file

Wheather it is possible ?

for d in dir/*/.; do
  rmdir "${d%/.}"

This may require minor modifications. ${var%suf} means remove "suf" from the value of $var -- try it with echo instead of rmdir to see what it does, and whether it's suitable for you.

One way of doing it:

ls -l | awk -F'[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]' '/^d/{print $NF}'| xargs -i rm -rf '{}' \;

However, it doesn't work if there are directory names with spaces in them.

ls -p|awk '/\/$/&&!/\./' | xargs -i rm -rf "{}"


Did you test it ... :slight_smile: ? ?

  • Tested on Fedora 8.

What's wrong with:

rm -r */
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That's right, sometimes we miss the simple...:slight_smile:

yes sometimes we just miss the simplest things. however take note it still suffers from "argument too long" issues if there are too many directories ( maybe there's a workaround somewhere)

# ls -p | grep "/" | wc -l
# rm -r */
bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long
# ls -p|awk '/\/$/&&!/\./' | xargs -i rm -rf "{}"
# ls -p | grep "/" | wc -l

My post was based on the OP requirement (~10dirs).

Anyway, I don't think ls and awk are needed in this case
and I'd try to handle pathological dirnames (embedded spaces, newlines or other special characters) .

yes, that's why rm -f */ is the simplest solution to his problem. No doubt about that.

Just to make it clear,
I don't think ls and awk are needed in the case you describe (argument list too long).

for d in */;do rm -r "$d";done

Or better (needs to be adjusted for xargs that doesn't support the null option):

xargs -0n1000 rm -r < <(printf "%s\000" */)

If you have zsh:

autoload -U zargs
zargs *(/) -- rm -r

i was just experimenting rm -rf /
i just typed /

find /path -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;