Deleting lines of a file if they exist in another file

I have a reference file that needs to remain static and another file that may or may not have duplicate rows that match the reference file. I need help with a command that will delete any duplicate rows from the second file while leaving reference file intact

For example reference file would have a list of colors -

And the second file has the follwing list -

I would like to see the second file end up with only unique rows -

any help with a statement would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Is this what you are looking for:

sort -u Second_File
awk 'FILENAME="reference" {arr [$0]++}
       FILENAME=="second_file" { if( ! $0 in arr) {print $0} } 
      '   reference   second_file  | sort -u

You want a unique list of values in second file that are NOT in the reference file, coorect?

If you want unique records from the second file that are not in the reference file:

egrep -v -f Reference_File Second_File | sort -u
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Thanks all for your very timely responses! The last post was the first I tried and it worked beautifully!