Deleting a type of file in a directory immediately it occurs

Hi All,
I have to maintain few servers and in those servers in a specific directory some special jobs keeps on running .......
The directory is having many kind of files like.....acd*, hud*, rca*....bla bla bla.......

My aim is that if due to any job-any time a file having initials like rca* occurs in that directory it automatically gets deleted at the same moment.....

Kindly suggest how to achieve this......thanx in advance..............

If you are on linux, have a look at inotifywait

Dear I try by this code......


while inotifywait -m -e create /$HOME/ext/cbe/output/pps/normal/temp/
rm *.csv

but after 1 deletion the script is getting stopped.....I want the watchdog to be maintained, and it keeps on running in background until the process is killed manually....

Try this, I could not get yours to run for some reason:

#!/bin/bash -x
inotifywait -m -e create /$HOME/ext/cbe/output/pps/normal/temp|while read line
if [[ $line =~ "csv" ]]
rm *.csv

Try putting an extra

while : ; do

loop around it. I would explicitly specify the directory, instead of deleting in the working directory..