Deleted X11R6 folder - Help!

I am not a Solaris guy by a long stretch, but I have to work with it from time to time. While doing some unrelated testing I accidentally deleted the X11R6 directory and no longer have a GUI for the console. I'm looking for help to get it back. I deleted it through the gui, so I figured I could just restore the trash via commandline, but that doesn't seem to be an option. I would also think I could just re-instal the X11 package, but I haven't had luck narrowing that down either. Any help is appreciated. This is on a Solaris Spark 10 box.

There is no directory named X11R6 under Solaris. There is a symbolic link to /usr/X11 so perhaps is it what you deleted.

In such case, you can simply recreate it with:

ln -s X11 /usr/X11R6

If you trashed something else, please be more precise about what it was.

Ok. It looks like the contents of the X11 directory were deleted. The only thing in that directory is now the X11 symbolic link, and a folder named "share" that has a subfolder of "man". Any ideas on how to get the contents of the X11 directory back? Thanks for the help.

Sure. Restore it from the last system backup.

As you can probably guess.. This particular machine is not on a backup schedule. It's a test box so it isn't included in the bank of machines that get backed up. Any other options? I wouldn't think it would be that hard to add X11 back to the install, but maybe it is.

Tar up the missing files on another machine and untar them back onto the broken one.

Thank you... That did the trick. We only had one other Solaris machine, but that one worked out fine. Thanks again for the help.