Delete Permission on Directory

I have a directory /u01/source.

Following are current permission on directory source.

oracle@TEST # ls -l source

drwxrwxrwx 2 user1  userbi 31232 Apr 8 13:33 EG1
drwxrwxrwx 2 user1 userbi 1024 Apr 8 05:45  E2
drwxrwxrwx 2 user1 userbi 57344 Mar 15 10:22 h5

There is another user 'userbi'. When I try to delete files in directory source with user userbi, I get permission denied. How could I assign 'delete file' privileges to user userbi in source directory?


userbi is a group. not an uid.
either login as root and delete or login as user1 and delete.

Yes, userbi is the group and the userbi user is member of this group userbi. My question is that how can I assign delete privileges over the source directory to user userbi?



Check that the files in the directory have "group" write permission. So in the target directory and as the owner of the files or as root run the following command.

chmod g+w *

Also ensure that "userbi" has permission to make changes under /u01/source



You are not clear...
Pleas post the out put of logins command.

In your above example its clear that "userbi" is a group not user.