Delete only two files

Hello all I am new at this forum. I needed little help with unix

Display first two files on screen and at the same time send to recycle bin.

I tried following command and it deleted all files in my current directory.

ls -l | grep ^- | head -2 | rm *

let me know how do to this, is recycle bin means /dev/null ???

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There is no recycle bin on a shell level. A recycle bin (sometimes call a trash bin or something else, depending on what window manager you use), is a window manager concept that can be used to dispose of things attached to icons on your desktop.

The rm utility physically removes files; it does not move them to a recycle bin.

/dev/null on UNIX systems is a special file that you can write data to that can never be retrieved, and, if you read from it, you will all get back an End-Of-File condition.

You need to be more precise:

  • Does "display files" mean file names and information on the file (such as owner or size), or file content?

  • When you say "first two", what kind of ordering do you imply on the files, and what is the set of files to be considered?

  • Why at the same time, and not after they have been displayd????