Delete old date entries from a file


I have following log file.
Oct 8 xxxxx
Oct 9 xxxxx
Oct 10 xxxxx
Nov 8 xxxxx
Nov 8 xxxxx
Jan 8 xxxxx

I need to delete all the lines which are having date entries older than 60 days. So If the current date is Jan 9 2011 then it should delete all the lines upto Nov 8 entry. I am writing ksh script for this.

Need some assistance...


sh inputfile

#! /bin/bash

declare -i now
declare -i seconds
declare -i delta
declare -i time

touch temp

time=1*24*3600  #one day before
now=`date --date="today" +%s`
while read month day anything;do
	seconds=`date --date="$month $day 2011" +%s`
	let "delta=$now-$seconds"

	if [ ! $delta -gt $time ];then
		echo $month $day $anything >> temp
done < "$1"

mv temp "$1"
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I am working on generic code and not only for 2011 year. Basically I want to delete any entries which are older than 60 days in a file.

Can you pls explain how to use "alog.log" file with this script.

I am new in this form of technology.

same thing is asked here