delete line in file with sed

sed "/$titlesearch/d" movielist

will delete any line in the file movielist that matches $titlesearch, but this is only a screen print correct ?

how can I have sed to actually delete the line from the file so that it doesnt appear next time I open the file ?


(echo "g/${titlesearch}/d"; echo 'wq') | ex -s movielist


you mind explaining your code for me, since I am not quite sure what it does

thanks a lot

it feeds 2 lines into the 'ex' utility:

# this line does the 'delete'
# this line 'Writes' the file to disk and 'Quits' editing the file

'man ex' for more options

that did not work.

ex: command not found


sed "/$titlesearch/d" movielist >tmp
mv tmp movielist

thats way better, thanks


you can also do that by using perl
perl -i.old -ne "print unless /$titlesearch/" movielist


I have a similar Sitiuation .. i found a string i deleted the line by using

sed /coasys11/d man.txt > man5.txt

But i also wanted to delete 6 lines which is above and 5 lines which are below ??

can anyone help me on this