Delete all occurence of a word in one shot

i have a file called file1

cat file1
i am namish
namish lives in India
India and namish both are good.

I want to delete all the occurences of namish in one shot,if i do it with sed i guess all the lines will be deleted containing the pattern.Suggest me any idea without AWK.


sed 's/namish//g' file1

Thanks for the reply.

If i do not want the space at the place of the deleted pattern,what is suggested.

sed 's/ *namish *//g' file1


sed 's/^namish //g; s/ namish$//g; s/ namish / /g' file1

Thanks robotronic!

use vi editor and replace all occurances of namish with " "

and what if there are 1000 occurances of namish in it? Then in command mode:
