default settings of security password in AIX

Hi Guy's

Just I want to know the default settings of security password in AIX there is some changes happened in my machine when I try to change my password I'm getting this message

Changing password for "root"
root's New password: 
a minimum of 1 elapsed week between changes.
3004-320 Only the system administrator can change this password.

I have another machine working with default setting.. I want to compare the sittings of this machine with that machine

[LEFT]What are the default security files that need to be compared between two machines to identify the changes?

also is not accepting the auto ssh connection by the authentication ID ?!! why any advice ...

security files are located under


you can compare files with something like diff from there or you can use lsuser command.

For that error which you get you have set up minage to 1, change it to 0 and you will be able to change your password.

minage   Defines the minimum age (in weeks) a password must be before it can be changed. The  value is a decimal integer string. The default is a value of 0, indicating no minimum age. Range: 0 to 52