Default route in system

Hi All
Recently we have faced issue in SUN server
after reboot of node 2 default routs has been added to system as below

IRE Table: IPv4
**Destination*************Mask***********Gateway**********Device Mxfrg Rtt***Ref Flg**Out**In/Fwd*
-------------------- --------------- -------------------- ------ ----- ----- --- --- ----- ------*
default*******************************************1500*****0***1 UG******98******0*
default********************************************1500*****0***1 UG******70******0*

If I check /etc/defaultrouter then there is only one entry in the file

cat /etc/defaultrouter

Have anyone faced such issue or any one can explain how 2 default routes added when there is only one entry in defaultrouter file

Firstly what version of Solaris is it?

In Solaris 11 all the networking configuration was changed.


route -p show

This is for S11, not sure what version you are on.