Debugging in eclipse with root permission

I've been working on a project that needs to be run as root user.
however when I want to debug it in eclipse, I can't run it as root user.
currently, I'm debugging with GDB in root.
Is there a solution for this ?, because I don't find the solution of running eclipse as root a good solution.


Running as root isn't a good solution either. Why does your project require it?

I'm implementing out band firewall for linux.
I need access to several places.

"places" meaning what?

In any case I'm inclined to agree with the designers of eclipse here. You shouldn't run large, complex GUI applications as root. That's extremely dangerous.

It's an open source project.
I'm currently implementing a specific thing where root access is not necessary.
The main daemon of the firewall needs to be run as root.
my task is not relevant to the reason why it so.
I don't want to change or alter anything else.