Debian Help

It says that these files should be written to a floppy: Studenten Net Twente - Index of /debian/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/floppy/

How would all of those fit onto a floppy? Could I write a CD instead?

That would be 5 floppies. If im reading correctly. I use CentOS not debian. And who uses floppies anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

Exactly. So could I write a CD instead or would it not work if I did that?

What are you trying to do?

Here are the cd isos.

Debian -- Getting Debian

The download times out after a while for the CD isos so I can't use them. :confused:

On all of them?? Sounds like you have an internet problem.

This one is only 32megs.

Even if you get it working from the cd image or from the floppy you will then be installing packages from the internet, so you will likely have the same downloading problem.

I do. Thanks.

That won't fit on a floppy. Could I write that to CD?

Its not gonna do you any good if you cant download from the internet.

The floppies are for those people that cant boot from a cd and will install via the network or internet. If its not letting you download the cd images its probabally not going to allow you to download the packages.