De-Duplication Problem

Hi all,
I download and install lessfs for deduplication,
I copy files in /SharedFiles directory and lessfs work right and not store again copy files,
but, when i delete all files in /SharedFiles , not return free space to total space,
files not show in /SharedFiles , but not copy new files in it and show is not enough space,

version Lessfs:1.7 Thanks ,

Is it possible that you have an application running which has that directory open or mounted?
find /proc/*/fd -ls | grep '(deleted)'
lsof /SharedFiles

Try restarting nfs maybe?
If all else fails, you could try rebooting.

thanks dear,
but with rebooting service for users down,

in deduplication, lessfs hold pointer for multi copy to original blocks , and in delete copies don't delete blocks just delete pointers , so when do "df" in terminal not add free space after delete copies ,
my friends , questions is clear?

lessfs is a strange program to me. It's main purpose in life appears to be a backup system. It keeps it own records about freespace.

See here for better explanation...

If you truly wish to delete files and folders in /SharedFiles/ directory and reclaim that disk space, it looks like you will have to use the linux remove command rm <filename> instead of lessfs