DB2 Query to pick hierarchy values

Dear Team

I am using DB2 v9 .
I have a condition to check roles based on hierarchies like below example.

1.Ramesh has Roles as "Manager" and "Interviewer"
2.KITS has Roles as "Interviewer"
3.ANAND has Roles as "Manager" and "Interviewer"


NAME	          ROLE_ID	                  ROLE_NAME
Ramesh              	10	                   MANAGER                                           
Ramesh              	11	                   INTERVIEWER                                       
KITS                  	11	                   INTERVIEWER                                       
ANAND               	10	                   MANAGER                                           
ANAND               	11	                   INTERVIEWER                                       

Expected Output:

Ramesh               	10	         MANAGER                                           
ANAND               	10             MANAGER      
KITS                  	11      	INTERVIEWER        

How to get the name for roles having as "Manager" firstly and then other roles "Interviewer"


Dear Perlbaby,

I have a few to questions pose in response first:-

  • Is this homework/assignment? There are specific forums for these.
  • What have you tried so far?
  • What output/errors do you get?
  • What OS and version are you using?
  • What logical process have you considered? (to help steer us to follow what you are trying to achieve)

Most importantly, What have you tried so far?

There are probably many ways to achieve most tasks, so giving us an idea of your style and thoughts will help us guide you to an answer most suitable to you so you can adjust it to suit your needs in future.

We're all here to learn and getting the relevant information will help us all.

Thanks, in advance,

Dear Robin

  1. This is just learning exercise
  2. I did try to rank option but looking for better approach
  3. Looking for other option
    4.Windows 10, DB2 v9
    Well I ranked based on roles first and have stored as reference tables. Since the roles may increases and example posted above has only 2 role examples .

Just to clear - I am new to DB2 and hope to learn from this post. Between I don't need exact code but the idea or heads up would work


Check if this fills your requirement :

select * from testing ;

select * from testing order by (
    case role_name

    when 'MANAGER'
    then 1

    when 'INTERVIEWER'
    then 2

    when 'MACHINE'
    then 3

    when 'EMPLOYEE'
    then 4

) asc;


Hello Peasant.
Thanks for the reply.
But the expectation is different. If the person contains both roles say manager and interviewer . It should show only one record with manager . Please see below expected results. If no manager then name should pick next hierarchy interviewer .

Ramesh   10  MANAGER                                           
ANAND    10  MANAGER      
 KITS.         11 Interviewer.

What you want are the "rank()" or "dense_rank()" analytic functions.
They could be referred to as "window functions" or "OLAP functions" in DB2 and some of them are available in DB2 9.7 at least.
Not sure if your version has it.

The queries below are in Oracle and they should work in DB2 as well.
Using the "rank()" function, I take a name ("partition by name") and order all records by role_id ("order by role_id").
So, for "Ramesh" the lowest role_id is 10 - that record has rank 1.
For "Ramesh", the next role_id is 11 - that record has rank 2.

Once the name changes, the rank is reset to 1.
Now for "KITS", the lowest role_id is 11 - so that record has rank 1.
And so on...

SQL> select * from testing;

NAME                              ROLE_ID ROLE_NAME
------------------------------ ---------- ---------------
Ramesh                                 10 MANAGER
Ramesh                                 11 INTERVIEWER
KITS                                   11 INTERVIEWER
ANAND                                  10 MANAGER
ANAND                                  11 INTERVIEWER

5 rows selected.

SQL> select name, role_id, role_name,
  2         rank() over (partition by name order by role_id) as rnk
  3    from testing
  4  ;

NAME                              ROLE_ID ROLE_NAME              RNK
------------------------------ ---------- --------------- ----------
ANAND                                  10 MANAGER                  1
ANAND                                  11 INTERVIEWER              2
KITS                                   11 INTERVIEWER              1
Ramesh                                 10 MANAGER                  1
Ramesh                                 11 INTERVIEWER              2

5 rows selected.


Once you have data in this form, all you have to do is to pick up records with rnk = 1 in an outer query. (You cannot pick them up in the same query in the "where" clause.)

SQL> with t as (
  2      select name, role_id, role_name,
  3             rank() over (partition by name order by role_id) as rnk
  4        from testing
  5  )
  6  select name, role_id, role_name
  7    from t
  8   where rnk = 1
  9   order by role_id
 10  ;

NAME                              ROLE_ID ROLE_NAME
------------------------------ ---------- ---------------
ANAND                                  10 MANAGER
Ramesh                                 10 MANAGER
KITS                                   11 INTERVIEWER

3 rows selected.


In case your DB2 version does not understand that "with" clause, then try a subquery:

SQL> select t.name, t.role_id, t.role_name
  2    from (
  3              select name, role_id, role_name,
  4                     rank() over (partition by name order by role_id) as rnk
  5                from testing
  6         ) t
  7   where t.rnk = 1
  8   order by t.role_id
  9  ;

NAME                              ROLE_ID ROLE_NAME
------------------------------ ---------- ---------------
ANAND                                  10 MANAGER
Ramesh                                 10 MANAGER
KITS                                   11 INTERVIEWER

3 rows selected.


(You may need to add the keyword "as" between ")" and "t" in line 6.)

And in case your DB2 version does not understand analytic functions at all, then we have to go back 10 to 15 years in time. :slight_smile:
Back in the day, we used the good old "exists" clause and a self-join to solve this problem.

SQL> --
SQL> -- Pick up the row from "x" for which there is no row in "y" (same table)
SQL> -- with the same name but lower role_id. That is, pick up the row from "x" with
SQL> -- the lowest role_id for each name.
SQL> --
SQL> select x.name, x.role_id, x.role_name
  2    from testing x
  3   where not exists (select null
  4                       from testing y
  5                      where y.name = x.name
  6                        and y.role_id < x.role_id
  7                    )
  8   order by x.role_id
  9  ;

NAME                              ROLE_ID ROLE_NAME
------------------------------ ---------- ---------------
ANAND                                  10 MANAGER
Ramesh                                 10 MANAGER
KITS                                   11 INTERVIEWER

3 rows selected.


You can immediately see how powerful analytic functions are compared to the query above. Analytic functions scan the table once; the "exists" query scans the table more than once. There are many other advantages as well. Many extremely convoluted queries from the "old" SQL can be written in a trivial manner using analytic functions of the "new" SQL.



Hello @durden_tyler
Superb !! This works perfectly in db2 v10. I like the way you elaborated - crystal clear walkthrough for this scenario handling. Thanks again for your patience .