Daylight Savings Time Quirk

I am running a SUN E450 on solaris (5.7). I have applied the DST patch and the system time is correct. However when users login the get the time wrong (+4 hours) (I am in EDT Zone). Does anyone know where a system wide variable for this could be set. (Root user gets the right time)


Check /etc/TIMEZONE, check environment with env|grep TZ for users and root (compare them). Sounds like users are getting GMT. Also, just to be sure, the server is suppose to be in Eastern time zone?

Here is what happens:

> env | grep TZ
> date
Thu Mar 15 13:22:34 US/Eastern 2007
> su
# env | grep TZ
# date
Thu Mar 15 09:23:04 EDT 2007

The second date and time are correct.

Users are getting gmt -8 instead of gmt -4 (double).


It was a problem in the /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo directory , users did not have the correct permissions to read and execute the files.