Date is changed after rebooting Solaris OS.

I have set the date on solaris system , but the the date is changed after rebooting the system . I was suspecting that it could sync with ntp server , so i disabled the NTP and checked, but still whenever i reboot the system , the date that i set is getting changed, Any idea how to come out of this issue,

Thank u very much for your time.


is it a sparc or x86 system? and how does the time change? to a random time or to something else?

Its a Spark machine , it is changing to the old time, i mean before changing the time was

Sun Apr 12 15:44:37 IST 2010

i changed the time to

Sun Apr 12 15:44:37 IST 2009 (please note the change in the year)

after rebooting , it went back to 2010

Sun Apr 12 15:55:37 IST 2010.

How did you disable NTP ?
What is in /etc/inet/ntp.conf ?

What did you type to change the system date? Were you logged in as root?

What do the good and bad dates look like?

(Sorry, posts crossed. Much of this is answered in the post above - except about NTP).

content of the file:-

# Either a peer or server. Replace "XType" with a value from the
# table above.
#fudge 127.127.XType.0 stratum 0

broadcast ttl 4

enable auth monitor
driftfile /var/ntp/ntp.drift
statsdir /var/ntp/ntpstats/
filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable

keys /etc/inet/ntp.keys
trustedkey 0
requestkey 0
controlkey 0

I gave

#svcadm disable ntp -- to disable the ntp.

Maybe you have a root cron containing "ntpdate" ?

Ok , how do i check that and how to come out of it?

crontab -e | grep "ntpdate"