date for two days or 3 days ago

i need a script that can tell me the date 2 days ago or 3 days ago.

please help

Check out Perderabo's post.

what have you tried till now??
give it a try if you can't do it get back here we will definately help you out..

when i use datecalc like
datecalc - a 2009 05 31 - 2
i get 2009 5 29

but i want the results in the format
i.e 2009 05 29.

As a workaround, instead of changing the datecalc script, you can pipe the output to awk:

awk '{printf("%s %02d %02d\n",$1,$2,$3)}'

once you get it pass it to awk and get the desired o/p

echo "2009 5 24"|awk '{printf "%s %02s %02s",$1,$2,$3}'

it worked perfectly thanks

Using ksh93

$ printf "%T\n" "2 days ago"
Sun May 31 09:11:17 EDT 2009
$ printf "%(%D)T\n" "3 days ago"