Date calculation


I have this date 11:30:02-31.11.12
How to calculate date between this date and now ?

I like it printed like this:

31D 2H 1M

if possible.

What have you tried so far?

Have you searched the forums for other date calculations?

What code do you have and where are the problems?

I know that I have to use date function, and that I have to add some value, since now is calculated since 1970.
Not sure how to make all this together.

Have a read of this:-


I have write some answers about date calc, ex. function or ksh printf command.

Ex. using ksh93

# convert - and . to spaces 
str=${str/-/ }
str=${str//\./ }

# generic version
read time day month year << EOF
# ksh93 can use also pipe reading
echo $str | read time day month year

epoc1=$(printf "%(%#)T" "$datestr")
epoc2=$(printf "%(%#)T" now )


(( diff=epoc2-epoc1 ))
(( daycnt=diff/d ))
(( hcnt=(diff-daycnt*d)/h  ))
(( mcnt= (diff - daycnt*d - hcnt*h ) / 60 ))

printf "%dD %dH %dM\n" $daycnt $hcnt $mcnt

Or using gnu date command. Search from this site "date gnu calc"

What OS? If it's in Linux than it's very easy.

Its Ubuntu
I have figured out some, so think I will find the rest :slight_smile:

diff=$(( ($(date "+%s")-$(date -d "2012/12/30 16:15:59" "+%s")) ))


---------- Post updated at 10:33 ---------- Previous update was at 01:15 ----------

Solution found :slight_smile:
Hope then can help other.
Happy new year to all...

test_log="2012/12/30 16:15:59"

diff=$(( ($(date "+%s")-$(date -d "${test_log}" "+%s")) ))
days=$(( $diff/86400 ))
hours=$(( ($diff-$days*86400)/3600 ))
minutes=$(( ($diff-$days*86400-$hours*3600)/60 ))

echo "${days}D ${hours}H ${minutes}M"

1D 18H 16M