Date and Time comparison using shell script

I'm having two fields in the file


Now, I need to compare this with current date & time and need to return the difference value in hours. Already, I checked with datecalc from the forum. So, need hints from Shell Gurus.


Using awk

cat infile
awk -F"|" '{ x=$1;y=$2;
  diff=systime()-mktime(substr(x,0,4)OFS substr(x,5,2)OFS substr(x,7,2)OFS substr(y,0,2)OFS substr(y,3,2)" 00")
  print diff/3600 " Hours"
}' infile

If solaris, use nawk

Using date command


read data < infile

TIME=$( echo ${data##*|} | sed 's/../&:/g;s/:$//' )

sec=$( date -d "$DATE $TIME" +%s )
curr=$( date +%s )

echo "$diff Hours"


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Thanks for prompt reply.

Anyhow, I'm unable to use systime or mktime; because my OS version is AIX 6.x.

Also, date -d is not a valid option in AIX.
So, please let me know if you have any other alternatives or how can I pass systime/mktime in AIX.


See if you have gawk installed.


"gawk" is not installed. We only have awk and nawk in our servers.

Try with nawk in that case


awk and nawk are getting the same error.

awk: Function systime is not defined.

The input line number is 1. The file is abc.log.
The source line number is 2.


Instead of systime() use strftime("%s") and give it a try!

awk -F"|" '{ x=$1;y=$2;
  diff=strftime("%s")-mktime(substr(x,0,4)OFS substr(x,5,2)OFS substr(x,7,2)OFS substr(y,0,2)OFS substr(y,3,2)" 00")
  print diff/3600 " Hours"
}' infile


strftime, systime and mktime are getting the same errors in AIX. We don't have C/C++ compilers on these servers. I don't know how to call these system calls.


perl -ne 'use Time::Local;
print $diff ."\n";' input.txt

If it's feasible for you to use an external helper tool, check out my dateutils (

ddiff -i '%Y%m%d|%H%M%S' "20111220|102000" now -f '%H'
=> 3003

The -i is the input format, -f the output format (difference in hours), and "20111220|102000" is your F1|F2, now is the value to compute the difference from.