cut words based on the word count of a line

I would like to cut words based on the word count of a line. This over here inspired me with some ideas but I wasn't able to get what I needed.

If the line has 6 words I would like to use this.

awk -F" " '{print $6}'

If the line has 4 words I would like to use this.

awk -F" " '{print $4}'

I don't want to use a shellsript. I would like this to be just one line that I can put into my shell and it work.

awk '{print $NF}' myFile

I saw that from the link I gave. How do I cut the 4th word and 6th word based on word count.

This will return the last 'word' from the record/line.
Isn't that what your examples illustrate?

When you say 'cut words' what do you example mean?
Please provide a sample input a desired output.

I have several lines similar to this. The first one if you count it you can see has 6 words and the second one has 4 words. On the lines that have 6 words I would like to cut the 6th word and output it to my screen and on the lines that have 4 words I would like to cut the 4th word and output it to my screen.

Output would be

Then what I've posted should give you a desired result.
Does it not?

No. I was trying to keep my example simple. And what you gave just cuts the last word. This is the full line of text.

Output would be

This still doesn't make much sense.

It's better if you keep your example representative, than "simple"!

Is "This is a X day week" part of the line?

You can test how many "words" (fields) a line has using NF.

awk 'NF == 4 || NF == 6 { print $NF }' file

(assuming "This is a X day week" isn't part of the line!)

Ah, I think I see what you want...

nawk '{print $($(NF-2))}' myFile
nawk '{print $(NF-6)}' myFile