cut -c1 ERROR

Hi All,

what are c1, cut command.

example : v_update=`echo $v_update| cut -c1-$count`

i am getting below error if i run the above command
cut: invalid range specifier

what could be the reason.
What the change i have to make in my command to avoid this error.

Ravi Kumar Garlapati

cut -cm-n - select charachters from input line from m to n,
try execute echo $count (or debug the script) before v_update=`echo $v_update| cut -c1-$count`, may be problem in value of $count variable

Hi Hitori,

Thank you very much.
You had given a clear explaination about command.

Can u suggest me a very good book exclusively for Shell Script UNIX.
where in i could get the clear picture as u have explained in ur reply.

Thanking you once again.

Ravi Kumar Garlapati

For shell programming look Welcome to The UNIX Grymoire!, Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

For commands' manuals look into man pages (e.g. man cut)