customize dtlogin

Hello out there!

I'm using dtlogin with my SunRay 2 and SunRay Server Software 4.0.

Now I want to customize the look an funcionality of the dtlogin. e.g. disable the Options - Button or change the Helptext.

Can anybody give me a hint where to find a good manual for dtlogin or which files I have to edit for this changes?

Kind regards, Blang


Solaris comes with dtlogin script located in /etc/init.d directory. It is a display manager for the X Window System

Stopping dtlogin

# /etc/init.d/dtlogin stop

Starting dtlogin
If your Solaris system boot to a shell prompt, you can start X/dtlogin with following command:

# /etc/init.d/dtlogin start

Restart dtlogin
If dtlogin is not responding then you can restart it using ssh:

# /etc/init.d/dtlogin restart

Permanently disable dtlogin
If you wish to disable dtlogin, use dtconfig command. It is a desktop configuration utility for Solaris. This command is located at /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig. Login as a root user before using dtconfig command.

To disabled dtlogin type command:

# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d

To enable dtlogin type command:

# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e

To kill dtlogin type command:

# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -kill

Read man page of dtlogin for more information.