Current triggered time to epoch seconds

I have a requirement to find long running instances for notifying the stake holders based on the triggered time in AIX.
I am not sure how to convert the triggered time to epoch seconds.
For example :
Current triggered time of instance is 13:06:19 -> how to convert this into epoch in the shellscript. Please help.

The following converts 2013-10-11 13:06:19 to seconds from epoch:

$ perl -MTime::Local -e 'print timelocal(19, 6, 13, 11, 9, 2013)'

The month is from 0..11 (Jan..Dec) and so, Oct is 9.


Thank you for the response. I am looking for something in a shell rather than perl as we do not have perl installed in all the aix servers. Also, can you post a small snippet of code where my output of the triggered time comes in hh:mm:ss format and to append current date and then conver to epoch seconds , that will be really helpful.


Output of my instance -> 13:06:39
Need to append today's date -> 2013-10-11
then : Convert to epoch seconds ->Want to capture this result.

Help is really appreciated. Thank you!!

If ksh93 is installed:

secs=$(printf "%(%s)T"   "2013-10-11 13:06:39")
echo $secs

Strange! It's quite surprising that a *nix system is being shipped without perl! I did a quick search and found this link that mentions "Perl is included by default in AIX.

You could check if perl is installed by typing these commands:
which perl or [ICODE]perl --version[/ICODE

Tested on ubuntu :

$ date -u -d "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') 13:06:39" +%s
$ date -u -d @1381583199 +%Y-%m-%d" "%T
2013-10-12 13:06:39