cURL and variables

I have a spent a day with Google trying to figure this one out and have decided its time to ask the experts...

I'm running OS X 10.6
I need to use cURL to FTP a file.

I have been successful send the file from the command line when I know the filename. My problem is that the filename changes with the date everyday and I need to make a bash script that is dynamic to either the date or the file contained in a folder. I will be running this script hourly.

The approach I am attempting is to set the name of the file contained in the folder into a variable and then placing that variable into the curl command.

I am sure my attempt is full of errors involving quotes, spaces, ect. and I greatly appreciate any help.


LOCALFILE= find  /Volumes/OS/Directory/*
curl -T $LOCALFILE --user username:password

What's the output of:

find  /Volumes/OS/Directory/*

Also, when you're setting a variable in bash it would me more like;

LOCALFILE=$(commands -youwant torun)

Thanks for the help on the variable.

I am still having some trouble with cURL

I get the error: curl: (7) couldn't connect to host

I have echoed out what I think curl is seeing after curl -T :

/Volumes/OS/Library/FileMaker Server/Data/Documents/directory/jul111_1.csv --user USERNAME:password

I wonder if the space in the directory name "FileMaker Server" is messing this up.