ctrl-c in shell script

The below script has Perl script in it where it gives the usage details.


echo -en "Enter filer : "
read filer
echo "test.pl -f $filer -F L"


The following hosts are online and available:
Name            Total     Allocated          Used     Available     Allocated %       Used %
pool1        25984 GB      25486 GB      14745 GB      11238 GB         98 %         57 %
Enter the name of the pool you want to use:

In the above output I need to press ctrl-c to come our of perl script.

Could anyone help me modifying the script so that the script should come out shell script without pressing the ctrl-c

Include the exit scenario in test.pl perl script .. Post the code of it ..

Here is the code for perl script.

The perl script is inbuilt script which I am using to list pools

(LP) List Pools

Below is the code of perl

Enter the action you would like to perform: ';
                chomp ($opt{F} = <STDIN>);
#               $opt{F} = uc($opt{F});
        } until ($opt{F} =~ m/^A$|^M$|^R$|^D$|^L$|^LP$|^Lp$|^Ls$|^LS$|^CS$|^DS$|^RS$|^C$|^B$/);

# Validate a pool supplied on the cmd line
sub _validate_pool {
        my ($args) = shift;
        # $args->{pools}         => the pool data from the filer.
        # $args->{pool_to_check} => The pool to verify.

        # Go through the pool data and if the pool_to_check matches the data pulled from the filer.
        foreach my $pool_data (@{ $args->{pools} }) {
#               if ($pool_data =~ m/^$args->{pool_to_check}\s+/ && $pool_data =~ m/\s+online\s+/) {
                if ($pool_data =~ m/^$args->{pool_to_check}\s+/) {
                        return 1;

        print "\nWARNING:  Invalid pool specified\n\n";
        return 0;

# If the user doesn't specify the pool
sub _get_pool {
        my $ref = shift;
        my @pools = @{ $ref };
        my $input;

        do {
                print "\nThe following pools are online and available:\n";
                printf("%-10s %10s    %10s    %10s    %10s    %10s %% %10s %%\n", "Name", "Total", "Allocated", "Used", "Available", "Alloca                 ted", "Used");
                print "\n";
                foreach my $pool (@pools) {
                        my (@data) = split(/\s+/, $pool);
#                       if ($data[5] eq "online") {
                                printf("%-10s %10d GB %10d GB %10d GB %10d GB %10d %% %10d %%\n", $data[0], $data[1] / 1048576, $data[2] / 1                 048576, $data[3] / 1048576, $data[4] / 1048576, $data[5], $data[6]);
#                       }
                print "\nEnter the name of the pool you want to use: ";
                chomp ($input = <STDIN>);
        }  until ( &_validate_pool({pools => $ref, pool_to_check => $input}));
        return $input;