CSV to SQL insert: Awk for strings with multiple lines in csv

Hi Fellows,

I have been struggling to fix an issue in csv records to compose sql statements and have been really losing sleep over it. Here is the problem:

I have csv files in the following pipe-delimited format:

Address Type|some descriptive text|"Mailing
Shipping"|some text here|NEWLINE
Street Number/Name|some description for rec 2|None|some text here|NEWLINE
City|description for rec 3|None|some text here too|NEWLINE
Zip|description for rec 4|text here|sdfla sdflsdhlsdfsk|NEWLINE
Record 5|description|"Main - Main record
Administrative - Administrative phone number
HR - HR phone number
Services - Services line
Fax - Facsimile phone number
Other"|some text here|NEWLINE
Grades Offered|description here|"IT - Infant/toddler
PR - Preschool
PK - Prekindergarten
TK - Transitional Kindergarten
KG - Kindergarten
01 - First grade
02 - Second grade
UG - Ungraded
Other"|some text here|NEWLINE

The output format I am looking for is the following:

insert into MyTBl values ( Column1,Column2,Column3,Column4,NEWLINE);
insert into MyTBl values ( 'Address Type','some descriptive text','Mailing \nMailing \n Shipping' ,'some text here','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBl values ( 'Street Number/Name','some description for rec 2','None','some text here','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBl values ( 'City','description for rec 3','None','some text here too','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBl values ( 'Zip','description for rec 4','text here','sdfla sdflsdhlsdfsk','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBl values ( 'Record 5','description','Main - Main record \nAdministrative - Administrative phone number \nHR - HR phone number \nServices - Services line \nFax - Facsimile phone number \nOther','some text here','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBl values ( 'Grades Offered','description here','IT - Infant/toddler \nPR - Preschool \nPK - Prekindergarten \nTK - Transitional Kindergarten \nKG - Kindergarten \n01 - First grade \n02 - Second grade \nUG - Ungraded \nOther','some text here','NEWLINE');

I am having difficulty preserving the spaces in the fourth column data which is often a multiple line text in double quotes (strings). I need to preserve these new lines in that column in my database table.

I wonder if someone can help in using awk or sed to do this. I use cygwin on windows platform.

thanks a lot!

Well, for starters, you need to adjust the CSV into the right number of columns...

Does this line


actually exist in your input file?

The do not actually are in each of the files but some files have headers.
Thank you for your message.

How should I tell apart the files with headers from the files without?

Put this in a text file:

BEGIN { FS="|"; OFS="," }
# Append 'short' lines into one longer line
NF<5 { if(S){ $0="\\n" $0; } S=S $0; $0=S }
# When it fially ends in "NEWLINE", we know we have an entire record
$NF == "NEWLINE" {
        for(N=1; N<=NF; N++)
        # Add single quotes to things lacking double quotes
        if(substr($N,1,1) != "\"")
                $N = "'" $N "'";

        print "insert into MyTBI values("$1,$2,$3,$4,$5");";

and use it like this:

$ awk -f myawk.txt < data
insert into MyTBI values('Column1','Column2','Column3','Column4','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBI values('Address Type','some descriptive text',"Mailing\nPhysical\nShipping",'Unchanged from Version 1','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBI values('Street Number/Name','some description for rec 2','None','some text here','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBI values('City','description for rec 3','None','some text here too','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBI values('Zip','description for rec 4','text here','sdfla sdflsdhlsdfsk','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBI values('Record 5','description',"Main - Main record\nAdministrative - Administrative phone number\nHR - HR phone number\nServices - Services line\nFax - Facsimile phone number\nOther",'Unchanged from Version 1','NEWLINE');
insert into MyTBI values('Grades Offered','description here',"IT - Infant/toddler\nPR - Preschool\nPK - Prekindergarten\nTK - Transitional Kindergarten\nKG - Kindergarten\n01 - First grade\n02 - Second grade\nUG - Ungraded\nOther",'Unchanged from Version 1','NEWLINE');

Does | ever happen inside double-quotes? That won't be handled properly.

Headers can be suppressed in csv generation process.
Pipes never occur in any records. That's why they are used as a delimiter.

Thank you Corona. That works great.
kind regards!