I want to compare file2.csv against file1.csv and write differences in file3.csv with line no.
I tried below command but it only giving me the data on console and not in file3,also line no is not giving.
Can someone please help me
awk -F',' 'NR==FNR {a[$1]=$0;next;}; !($1 in a) ll ($0 != a[$1]);' file1 file2
@Ashwini1 , welcome to the forum, we hope you find it instructive and friendly.
firstly, a couple of requests/questions
is this homework/coursework (which is fine if it is but you need to let the team know that)
which operating system are you working with (a linux distro is assumed, but clarification appreciated)
you mention file1, file2, file3 but no example of actual data is provided for file1,file2 , please provide before any response can be given
file3 is mentioned but is nowhere to be seen in the code snippet supplied, so it obviously needs inclusion somewhere. Additionally, provide a sample of what you expect the output to look like - matching it with the sample data you will provide from file1 and file2
once you've responded to ALL the enquiries above we can move on.
make use of the markup tags when posting code, it should be in triple quotes to distinguish from text