csh grep analog

Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a csh script analog for grep.

I need to run through the directory which is arg[1], find a word (arg[2]) in the files, and echo their names.

Here's what I got

if ($#argv != 2) then
  echo "Usage: $0 directory word"
  echo "Shows files which contains words"
  exit 0
set dir = $argv[1]
if (! -d "$dir") then
  echo "$dir is not a directory" 
  exit 1
foreach file ($dir/*)
if (! -d "$file") then
  set arr = (`cat $file`)
  set i = 0
  foreach i (0..$#arr) 
    if ($arr[$i] == $argv[2]) then
      echo $file
    @ i ++

What condition do I need to use, to run through the array of words? Because, obviously, while i <= $#arr says "=: directory not found":wall:

Okay, used foreach instead, now it says "missing -."

Is this homework?

Sadly - yes, and I have to do it on csh=\

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