Crontab to skip only one entry in a day???

Hello Friends,

I have a cron tab like this:

10,40 1-23 * * * /script

i want to skip only one execution at 00:10, so basically i want it to execute every hour at 10th and 40th minute, except 00:10.

Could anyone help me doing this

Thanks folks


Simple way:

10,40 1-23 * * * /script
40 0 * * * /script

Thanks much

This way i have to go with two crons, was trying to figure out if thats possible with one cron?? Any ideas?

if you need limit in one cron, then you have to update your script by add one if-then-else .

scottn's solution will help you to implement it without any updates in script.

Think about it, if one day you request is changed again, update the cronjob will be more easy.

I hear you

Thanks for all your help guys, much appreciated :slight_smile: