Crontab - Recommended way to edit?

What is the best way to modify the crontab file??

Edit the file and then use crontab 'filename' ???

I do not know how to use pico editor - so I cannot modify it this way, Any help is appreciated.

Try this:

export EDITOR=vi  # or whatever editor you want to use
crontab -e        # edit your crontab file or create one if it doesn't exist

On one machine I helped on, the admin required changes to CRON to be done in the following manner ...

# crontab -l > /dir/cron.chg.YYMMDDHHMM
# edit /dir/cron.chg.YYMMDDHHMM
# crontab /dir/cron.chg.YYMMDDHHMM

Was a bit mundane at first but was a lifesaver if something didn't work as planned - the crontab file was pretty big.

I edited the root cron file myself, updated and used crontab root and this updated correctly but good idea to copy it out to another file in case of any problems...
