Crontab not recognizing the jar files

Hi All,
I am using crontab which execute a shell script.
In the shell script, I am executing a java program. This Java program requires the jar files.
The cron job file ' cronfile.txt ' contents:

    0-59 * * * * ./ >> /home/rajuutla/FilesForCronJob/logFileForCron.log

The shell script\( \) contents : 
    \#check weather server prog is running or not
    test=\`ps aux | grep -c java\\ PostgresServer\` 
   if [ $test -eq 1 ]
       echo \`date\`
       $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath $CLASSPATH PostgresServer


    The java program 'PostgresServer' which i am executing requires the jar file 

'pg74.jdbc3.jar' mentioned above.

The problem is, directly running the above shell script with out cron, I am able to get the results. But when I use the crontab to run the java program I am not able to get the results.

What may be the problem? How to resolve this problem? I am unable to find it out.       
                                                 Please help me.

Thanks to All.