Crontab invalid account

Need assistance in crontab issue . Issue is user account getting error
"Warning - Invalid account: 'cyborg' not allowed to execute cronjobs" on Solaris 11

Couple of steps I tried

  1. Added user to /etc/cron.d/cron.allow
  2. Checked if the account is locked *LK* . It is not locked
  3. No log error
  4. Format of the cronjob is not issue because other users were able to test it

Ran out of options. Need help

I assume that you have already verified that the user "cyborg" isn't listed in /etc/cron.d/cron.deny .

It may be that cron reads in /etc/cron.d/cron.allow and /etc/cron.d/cron.deny when it starts and won't look at them again unless it is told to do so. A reboot might be needed to solve your problem but I would try:

/usr/sbin/svcadm refresh cron

first, and if that doesn't work try:

/usr/sbin/svcadm restart cron

before resorting to a reboot.


Yes I checked the cron.deny and it is not there . I also forgot to mention svcadm restart cron was also done .