Crontab error

I have a script which is called in a crontab. The script calls for 2 args when ran on the command line

The crontab line:

05 0-23 * * 0-6 /path/name %arg1 %arg1

I get the following output

Your "cron" job on server

produced the following output:

Must be attached to terminal for 'am I' option
stty: : Inappropriate ioctl for device
Must be attached to terminal for 'am I' option

any help???????:confused:

your script might have a "tty" command in there somewhere.
possibly in a command with a bunch of pipes.

You should post the script contents and we'll see...

My guess is your script is checking for a terminal type but cron doesn't have a terminal so you get that error. It'd help if you posted the /path/name file if possible.

My guess is that the script contains the unix command:
who am I
That command will only work from a real terminal.

Your script may need something like:

if [ -t ]
      who am I

I have solved this now and i had some issues with the actual script:

i cd'd to my basepath but i had not set it before i called it.

Also the cron was wrong, i had:

05 0-23 * * 0-6 /path/name %arg1 %arg1


05 0-23 * * 0-6 /path/name arg1 arg1

was sufficient, thanks for the posts