crontab -e error

Hi guys,

OS Red Hat Enterprise 4. Problem:
By oravwp user I can't use crontab -e, report the error:
cron/oravwp: Permission denied

I have experience in HP-UX and Sun Solaris, and the problem seems not to be easy or I going old with all of this :). The file /etc/cron.deny exist, it's empty, the workaround that I found is execute by user:
crontab -u oravwp -e
But before that using oravwp user I don't have success with command crontab -e or -l.

What it can bee, help me.

Sorry I'have done by user root:
crontab -u oravwp -e

and I tested and it's working, but I can't edit loged in as user oravwp.

Apparently it's permission issue, do a "ls -la /usr/bin/crontab" most probably it will be owned by root.

I assume that you mean the crontab data file (in /var/spool/cron/crontabs?) is owned by root, rather than the program file /usr/bin/crontab (which should be owned by root). Or are you suggesting that perhaps the setuid bid is not set on /usr/bin/crontab?

I find the solution before Kahuna, but Is its right, I change the SUID.
chmod 4755 /usr/bin/crontab

Thanks for all, guys.

Hi all.

Am having a similar problem. when I edit a user's crontab as root using crontab -u user -e. the users cron job runs but when i log in as the user and edit the crontab it doesn't run.

could it be the permissions on the users' /var/spool/cron/user
