
Please can someone help me. I need to set up a cron job to measure CPU usage, Disk I/O and memory usage over a period of 1 minute along with the number of users logged into the system. I also need to send it to another user besides myself every hour. Please can someone help me! Thanks.

I don't see a question here other than "Please can someone help me?". Which part are you having trouble with? Setting up the cron-job, or finding a tool which will record the data you need, or something else?

Setting up the Cronjob is fine. I just need to find the best commands to use to obtain the information from the system that I am looking for! I need to get CPU usage, Disk I/O and memory usage over a period of 1 minute. I need this cronjob to run every hour. Thanks.

If you use a Unix box, then the following may apply.
If you're using Linux, then I'm not sure.

Do a crontab listing and look for sa1 and sa2.
These two jobs are used in creating System Activity Reporting.
An example:
5 18 * * 1-5 /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -s 08:00 -e 18:01 -i 1200 -A
15,30,45,00 * * * * /usr/lib/sa/sa1

Do a sar to see if your system has it installed.
And man sar to get more info.

Hope that helps.


Thanks for that Cameron. You have been a great help.