Cronjob to be execute today at 9pm

HI Folks,
Sorry for this basic confusion but please help me.

i want to execute one script at 9pm today. i want make this as schedule so it can execute automatically.

So am doing like this.

21 10 24 4 <here what can i keep) /tmp/stemp/testcron.ksh

Can you please help on this?

Thank you.

Run /tmp/stemp/testcron.ksh once today 21:00?
Schedule it like this:

at -k 21:00 < /tmp/stemp/testcron.ksh

Read the man page

man at

Crontab Builder might help you with creating entries in a crontab file.

Sir am getting errors , can you please check,thank you

[off_dev@unixscript stemp]$ at -f /tmp/stemp/testcron.ksh now + 1
syntax error. Last token seen: 1
Garbled time
[off_dev@unixscript stemp]$ man at
[off_dev@unixscript stemp]$ at -k 18:30 < /tmp/stemp/testcron.ksh
at: invalid option -- k
Usage: at [-V] [-q x] [-f file] [-m] time
       at [-V] [-q x] [-f file] [-m] -t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm
       at -c job [job...]
       (atq | at -l) [-V] [-q x]
       (atrm | at -d | at -r) [-V] [-q x] job ...
       batch [-V] [-f file] [-m]
echo "ksh /tmp/stemp/testcron.ksh" | at 21:00

if you want to execute the job by 9 pm tonight then, schdule it like this:

00 21 25 04 * /tmp/stemp/testcron.ksh

hope this will help you!!!

What are cron and crontab, and how do I use them? - Knowledge Base
Looks you need to understand syntex ,read this page will solve your problem